Sazon Studio

Social Media Marketing


Splash Media


January 2023

Project Type:

Restaurant Website with Online Payment and Ordering


Jhonatan Castillo

Project Details:

Dolly Donuts came to us with a challenge: to create a modern, easy-to-use website that would showcase their delicious donuts and help customers order online. We were up for the task and got to work right away. Our team began by conducting competitor research and analyzing the latest website design trends to develop a customized website design that would stand out and engage customers. We incorporated stunning visuals and a clean, user-friendly interface to make it easy for customers to browse and order from their favorite food, drinks, and donuts.


Throughout the project, we maintained open communication with Dolly Donuts to ensure that their needs and vision were met. We provided regular updates and worked collaboratively to refine the website design and functionality. In the end, we delivered a modern, easy-to-use responsive website that exceeded Dolly Donuts’ expectations and helped them attract more customers and grow their business. We were thrilled to be a part of Dolly Donuts’ success and look forward to helping more businesses achieve their online goals with our expert website design and development services